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Our Roleplay Format

Our server has various rules when it comes to how we roleplay, and this is a rundown of how it works!

  • Please make sure your posts are 3 sentences at least. Punctuation is key to this!

  • You dictate the actions of your character only, and cannot control other players’ characters. Please be realistic about the knowledge and abilities of your character (no godmodding, powerplaying, etc.).

    • Be sure to keep in mind what your character would and wouldn't know about other characters, if you aren't sure, asking your thread mates never hurts!

  • The start of a thread dictates where in the timeline it would occur, regardless of how long the thread lasts.​

  • Many channels have important information pinned in the channel, such as types of prey to be caught, herbs in that location, location images, specific rules exclusive to that location, please check the pins before roleplaying in a channel!

  • Typically your cat may only be in two threads at a time, unless one or more of the threads are designated as an Event Thread. Or they meet the following criteria.

    • Kits ​get three threads as well, one that is strictly for family bonding, the other  two can be for any interactions. Similarly, Parents of a current litter in the nursery get three threads as well, one strictly for their kits, the other two for any interaction.

    • Apprentices and Mentors, Have a similar arrangement. One thread for training purposes, the others for other relations.

    • Council members; all have 3 non event threads they can be in at a time. No stipulations.

  • You may not join an on-going roleplay without asking or being invited first.

  • Follow the posting order for your thread. Ping the next person in the posting order in your post.

  • Players may bump a thread they are apart of by pinging the next in line if half of the time until auto skipping or auto timeout has elapsed. Check your thread header to see how long that is! Players may also request more frequent pings; communicate with your threadmates!

    • Roleplay Pacing goes as follows, but can be made faster if all members agree. But never slower than the 'slow' option.

    • Bumping can be done by staff or any member of a thread that requires it. Please only bump a player once!

      • Fast: 12 hour autoskip, can bump 6 hours after last post.

      • Classic: 24 hour autoskip, can bump 12 hours after last post.

      • Casual: 48 hour autoskip, can bump 24 hours after last post.

      • Slow: 72 hour autoskip, an bump 36 hours after last post.​

    • You are allowed one thread extension of 24 hours from the natural timeout of the thread per character per thread if it is requested before the natural timeout. Players may offer their own extension in a thread to one of their threadmates if they so wish.

      • If an RP remains untouched/unfinished for the amount of time dictated in the pacing section of your thread starter the person in question likely will be skipped. If two people in a row are skipped a threadmate or staff may prompt the participants of the thread to discuss if they'd like to end the thread.

  • If you accidentally ping others, please do not delete it. Just ping in a new post the person you intended with a little 'oops wrong person', deleting the ping can be confusing and sometimes stressful for those trying to find where they've been pinged.

    • We also have roles for whether you dislike being pinged or want to be pinged. If you are worried about pinging someone, check their roles.​​

  • We have rules centered around what ages are acceptable for relationships as well as how to handle forbidden relationships, please view these in the Romance guide.

  • We allow members to roleplay up to multiple cats in an thread at a time; however, we require that they are roleplayed in separate posts in events. Solo threads can be formatted however a play likes.

  • The exception to this rule is patrols, quests, and gatherings, where you cannot roleplay more than one cat at a time.

    • HRs are allowed to roleplay their high rank and one other cat at Gatherings.

  • If you would like to open an event thread for an important event in your cats life please go to your clan's #staff-request channel and ping your clan staff to request it.

    • An event thread is a thread that does not count towards any cat's thread limits. So have at it!​ More info on even threads can be found farther down this page.

    • Additionally, if you would like your character to have a fight with intent to harm, you must ask permission from the staff team of the Clan(s) involved.

  • Once a month, we release an Activity Check Form that must be filled out. We require our members to have posted at least three times with any character(s) in the last month in order to be considered active for that month. 


Roleplaying respectfully


SOTC highly values open, polite /respectful communication among our members and staff. We request that each player communicate with their server-mates whenever plots or actions may effect another character emotionally, physically, etc. When in doubt, reach out! 

  • Remember, LGBTQ+ cats are allowed and wholly supported! They are also accepted in-character so please no homophobic/transphobic cats.

  • Please run relations past your threadmates, no deciding your character has a crush on another, hates another cat, etc, without discussing these plot ideas with the player(s) this would effect!

  • We do not allow roleplay of abuse of any sort. The clans are big families and that would not fly with them. If any cat has been abusive to your cat in the past, they would surely be thrown out of the clan, and any victim would have many supportive figures to turn to in a clan setting.

  • Characters can leave threads only after discussing it with all other members involved and trying to end the thread naturally. If your character leaves any thread before it finishes they will not gain any EXP.

    • Exceptions are likely to come up, if you are unsure ping your staff to discuss!​
  • If you leave a border patrol thread before it finishes you cannot join your Clan’s next border patrol.

  • We require at the beginning of each thread for those participating in it to communicate any heavy topics that will appear within the thread utilizing a series of emojis and listing the relevant topics. It is required for each member to have communicated these heavy topics and their intensity with all thread mates before posting any content that requires it. These can also be adjusted mid-thread with the permission of all thread mates. Tier System & Triggering Content List (A new list is in progress.)

  • If mods feel you are playing a disabled, mentally ill, or LGBTQ+ character disrespectfully, we’ll reach out to have a chat with you . You aren't in trouble, but if you refuse to fix the issues presented, this will likely constitutes an official warning.



Please begin your post with a heading for your character that includes their name and pronouns, as well as any additional information you feel is important, like age or appearance. This helps others to know who they are roleplaying with and how to refer to your characters.

  • Many roleplayers use these headers (or footers!) to keep track of their rolls, catches/gathers, EXP gained, and/or injuries received. It is highly encouraged to do so to make logging your thread afterwards eaiser. If this information is not in your header or footer, the person logging the thread is in no way responsible for logging your EXP.

  • Some players bold spoken words and italicize thoughts or sign language. These are optional, but highly recommended to make your post easier to read on Discord!

  • It is encouraged to split up big blocks of text into multiple paragraphs to help those with difficulty reading large blocks of text.

    • Typically 4-8 sentences per paragraph is a good cut off to avoid difficult chunks of text.​

  • An Example of a header:

How to get Started
  • Find a roleplay partner! Make a post in your Clan’s seeking-rp channel or sign up for a patrol as announced in your Clan’s announcements.

  • Decide the details of your roleplay! Choose the location of your roleplay, its content rating, its focuses, posting order, pace, and any other details you find important! Remember, only one roleplay thread may occur in a channel at any time. 

  • Use the Thread Starter Template, pinned in your Clan’s OOC channel, to begin your roleplay! The thread starter must be posted to begin a thread, and must be filled out completely. 

  • You may only have two focuses in your thread! Any focus that counts towards a litter of kittens (romance, kit, Family building, there are many words for it) will count as one of the two focuses for that thread!

  • The pacing of your threads can be faster than our official pacing options, as long as you discuss it with your thread-mates. Threads can not be slower than our official pacing options.

    • Free for all threads are allowed to be run by anyone! Please be sure everyone is okay with this format, and to make sure to give room for everyone to reply.​

  • Prepare your post! Once it’s your turn in the thread as per the posting order in the Thread Starter, it’s time to set up and write your post. Which means...

  • Choose your skills! If you are using any rolling skill (aka doing anything other than just chatting), roll your skill(s) before posting. Use the following information to determine what type of roll you should do:

How to roll
  • It’s time to roll! Skills must be rolled in the relevant channel. If rolled in the wrong channel you will be asked to reroll in the correct one. You may roll a maximum of two (2) skills per post, unless you get a successful combo, in which case you may make three (3) rolls, each for different skills.

  • ✅ Hamkit rolls for tracking and gets a high enough roll to combo with gathering. After they roll for gathering, they roll one more time for hunting.

  • ❌ Hamkit rolls for tracking and does not get a high enough roll to combo with gathering. After they roll for gathering, they roll one more time for hunting.

  • ❌ Hamkit rolls for tracking and gets a high enough roll to combo with gathering. After they roll for gathering, they roll another gathering roll. 

  • Set up your post header and/or footer! Use the above guide to decide what information to include and the format you’d like to put it in.

  • Write your post! Make sure to write at least 3 sentences, which is our server minimum, but you are welcome to write much more than that—we often do.

After you roll and post:
  • Log prey caught in your Clan’s Fresh-kill Pile on the website. The Monday of each new week in order for it to count! Just putting it into an RP log is not enough. Any un-logged prey does not go towards our weekly total. 

  • Log herbs gathered or used in your Clan’s Herb Storage. Herbs not logged will not make it to the list, and cannot be used to heal.

  • Keep track of the EXP you gain through your roleplaying! Remember to keep track of your EXP changes using your Character Sheet so you’re ready to level them up when the time comes.

  • Log any injuries! If you get hurt you must get healed in a timely manner. For each week a cat goes without getting healed, their injury level will go up by one. In your thread log in your Clan’s RP-Log channel, make sure to ping your Clan’s healer and healer apprentice role so they can start an Injury Thread for you in your Clan’s Healer OOC.

How Threads Go
  • After starting a thread, you go through the post order until it comes back to your turn.

  • You can also let your partners know if you wish to be skipped in the relevant ooc chat. Staff is not responsible for skipping players, but may do so at their discretion if a thread has stalled without skipping.

  • You are allowed to hunt 4 times and gather 4 times in one thread.

  • You are only allowed to use any skill once per post unless specific event rules dictate otherwise.

    • The only exception; You may heal twice, but they take up both of your skill rolls for that post.

  • You are allowed one thread extension of 24 hours from the natural timeout of the thread per character per solo thread if it is requested before the natural timeout.

  • After a thread is finished, someone has to mark the channel as open, and the thread ended. As well as log said thread in the relevant log channel.

Logging a Thread​​
  • Once the thread is finished, log it! In order to keep track of injuries, herbs, prey, and, most importantly, EXP, all threads need to be logged in your Clan’s RP-Log channel once they are completed or time out.

  • The Roleplay Log form is pinned in that channel. If you’re confused about how to fill it out, check out the channel for examples or ping one of your clan's buddies or staff to help explain!

Event Roleplays
  • A roleplay event is an event that promotes roleplay! This includes clan events like gatherings, holidays, and anything else dictated as an event by a staff member.

  • A roleplay event makes it so even if you're in another thread, you can interact with the event and have some fun! Usually you can only play one character at a time, but there are some nuances to this, depending on the event. (We ask that you not play multiple characters interacting with each other unless needed. If you are playing multiple characters, each character must have their own separate post.)

  • A player may request an event thread if it involves an important part of the cat's life. This event thread would not be run by staff! 

    • Examples: Needing to announce soon to be kittens to family AND wanting to see a healer to know the number. Pair bonding ceremonies, etc!​

  • Interrupted border patrols are classified as an event, however normal patrols are not. Nor are Private border threads.

SOTC Schedule
  • All cats age up one moon every two weeks

  • The SOTC year is 16 moons in total.

  • Seasons change after two months have passed, and this will be shown in our weather channel!

  • Our roleplay follows a set pattern, as follows:

    • Week 1 & 2: Potential for a Server-wide Event (IC &/or OOC)

    • Week 3: Off Week

    • Week 4: Healer's Gathering

    • Week 5: Off Week

    • Week 6 & 7: Gathering

    • Week 8: Off Week

    • Clanwide events could be run anywhere in this timeframe! Clanwide events include starvation patrols, apprentice or warrior ceremonies, plot related events. The list goes on!

💖 We will be accepting new members Feb 28th-Mar 23rd !💖

© 2020-2024 Secrets of the Clans

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