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Skills Systems

Overview of Skills System

Cats have 8 Skills that we keep track of within our RP. These Skills are used in most RP posts and help to dictate the actions of your cat in an organic way that leaves room for error, and for greatness. The Skills we track are:

  • Hunting, Gathering, Tracking, Sneaking, Swimming, Climbing, Brawling, Healing

For each of these Skills, there are 8 levels! They are often referred to by their name, but for dice-rolling, they are referred to by their number in the order. From lowest to highest, they are:

  • 1. Beginner, 2. Rookie, 3. Decent, 4. Average, 5. Great, 6. Excellent, 7. Mastered, and 8. Blessed

Upon creation of your character, you have seven levels to distribute between the Skills. After this point, you have to level up the Skills organically through gaining EXP. All characters are Beginner in Healing when created unless otherwise stated by staff. The starting Skill levels are as follows:

  • Senior Warrior/Elder (61+ moons): 3 Great, 3 Excellent, 1 Mastered

  • Mid-aged Warrior [31-60 moons]:  4 Average, 2 Great, 1 Excellent

  • Young Warrior [18-30 moons]: 3 Decent, 3 Average, 1 Great

  • Apprentices [6+ moons]: 1 Beginner, 4 Rookie, 2 Decent

  • Kits [0-5 moons]: All Beginner except 1 based your Clan and 1 randomly rolled by a member of our staff team.


Skill caps? What are they and why?

Kits and apprentices have skill caps to how much EXP they can gain, and how far they can level their skills. This is to add a realistic element to kithood and apprenticeship. Reasonably, no kit or apprentice should be able to master a skill before they become a warrior. Fear not though, there are rewards for reaching the skill cap for these two ranks in the form of blessings if you meet the requirements! Check out the Blessing's Page for more info!

  • Kits cannot earn more than 12 XP in any one stat, which means their stats cannot go above Decent.

  • Apprentices cannot earn more than 68 XP in any stat, which means their stats cannot go above Excellent.


How do I use my Skills?

  • Each Skill is rolled before your post is written. 

  • To gain EXP in a skill it has to be one of the two focuses per thread. Example: Swimming, hunting. Or Tracking, Gathering. 

  • If romance is a focus in a thread, you may only have one skill as a focus to gain EXP from.

  • Each Skill has a specific command that you have to use. These are noted under each Skill in more detail. You are limited to two Skills per post unless you roll successful combination and use an applicable skill in the same post. In which case you may roll one more skill, (for a total of 3 skills). For a list of possible combos, please check the combo list below!

  • You may only use a specific skill once per post. The exception is healing, which can be rolled twice per post. Note: If rolling healing twice in a post no other skills may be used!

  • Frequently, we discuss Advantage and Disadvantage. Advantage on a roll means that you will roll twice and take the higher result. Disadvantage on a roll means that you will roll twice and take the lower result. Rolling with advantage or disadvantage still only counts as 1 EXP.

  • If you want to test a Skill, you can always do so in the #bot-commands channel. In order for a roll to count in a roleplay, please use the relevant dice-rolling channel. Each Clan has one, there is one for the disputed territories, and occasionally there are ones for specific events.

What's EXP?

  • EXP stands for Experience Points, which your character can use to level up their Skills. Each thread has a Focus that dictates what Skills you are allowed to gain EXP in for that thread. Each roll that utilizes a skill that is the thread's Focus (regardless of success) will count as 1 EXP for that skill. For more details on beginning a thread, please view Our Roleplay Format.

  • EXP Caps (How much EXP your cat can get per thread) Hunting and Gathering are capped at 4 EXP per thread. All other skills, excluding healing, are capped at 8 EXP per thread. So in total, the Max a cat could get per thread, is 16 EXP.

  • Solo-threads (threads with only one character in them), cannot be used to gain EXP.

  • When you have reached the requirements to level up a skill please ping your staff in your specific Staff request channel letting them know what cat, and what skill!​
    • Going Up in Level 

      • ​Skill levels increase based on the number of EXP your character has gained total in a particular skill. The EXP you gain can only be counted if you have completed your Roleplay log for that thread!

        • Lvl1: Beginner âžœ Required: 0 EXP

        • Lvl2: Rookie âžœ Required: 4 EXP

        • Lvl3: Decent âžœ Required: 12 EXP

        • Lvl4: Average âžœ Required: 24 EXP

        • Lvl5: Great âžœ Required: 40 EXP

        • Lvl6: Excellent âžœ Required: 68 EXP

        • Lvl7: Mastered âžœ Required: 112 EXP

        • Lvl8: Blessed âžœ Required: 150 EXP & Blessing

    • Going Down in Level

      • Please refer to the Illness/Injury System for more details on what can cause you to go down in level.

      • If you go down in Skill Level, you still retain any EXP you had prior to going down in level. Remove the amount of EXP from your total based on what level you are going down to. Then check your total to see if you would retain your level, or go down a level.

        • Lvl 2 Rookie âžœ Lvl 1 Beginner Injury: -4

        • Lvl 3 Decent âžœ Lvl 2 Rookie Injury: -8

        • Lvl 4 Average âžœ Lvl 3 Decent Injury: -12

        • Lvl 5 Great âžœ Lvl 4 Average Injury: -16

        • Lvl 6 Excellent âžœ Lvl 5 Great Injury: -28

        • Lvl 7 Mastered âžœ Lvl 6 Excellent Injury: -44

        • Lvl 8 Blessed âžœ Lvl 7 Mastered Injury: -38

  • Skills can be combo-ed when the dice roll indicates that a combo is available to be rolled. The bot will let you know in our roll if its a successful combo! This is a list of the combos that are currently allowed with our Skill system. After you've rolled the first part of a combo successfully, you must immediately roll the second part of the combo. Both of the results must be written in the same post.​

  • A dice roll will look something like this if it is a success! When a rule mentions 'success' it is referring to if you have rolled high enough to combo! If you have successfully combo'd then you can gain advantage  on an applicable combination skill roll for your current post! (Advantage is when you roll the applicable skill twice, and take the 'better' result. Any result is better than a natural one!)








  • If you roll a successful combo in your post, and use a skill that uses the advantage from that success, you may roll a third skill for your post if you wish! You are not required to! This skill must not be either skill you have already rolled for that post!


  • If you successfully Swim before Hunting, you get advantage hunting water and wetland prey.

  • If you successfully Sneak before Hunting, you get advantage hunting foliage, wetland, and land prey.

  • If you successfully Climb before Hunting, you get advantage hunting foliage and air prey.

  • If you successfully Track before Hunting, you get advantage hunting Cave Prey.

  • If you successfully Track before Gathering, you get advantage on your Gathering roll.

  • If you successfully Sneak before Brawling & you are hidden or write how you mask your intention in battle, you get advantage on your Brawling roll.

  • If you successfully Swim before Brawling & you and your opponent are near water, you get advantage on your Brawling roll.

  • If you successfully Climb before Brawling & you and your opponent are near trees, you get advantage on your Brawling roll.

  • If you successfully Track before Brawling & you and your opponent are in darkness, you get advantage on your Brawling roll.

comboable tracking.png

The Basics

  • You can Hunt in any of the territory channels. Not in camp! Each channel will specify what type of prey can be found within it. Please check the channel's pinned post before rolling, as seasons will affect the availability of different types of prey in different areas.

  • We break up the hunting commands by certain types, mostly based on where they can be found. These types are: Water, Wetland, Foliage, Air, and Land. 

  • You will roll the Hunting command before your post, and then roleplay it out! The Hunting roll will determine if you find prey, what kind of prey you find, and how well you do your hunt. You may only Hunt 4 times in a thread.

  • If you want help with hunting, a cat may forgo one of its 4 rolls per thread to give it's hunting partner advantage on their hunting attempt! [Be sure to discuss with your partner before doing so!] This can be written as both cats working together to hunt a piece of prey!

  • If you have successfully hunted prey, don’t forget to add it to your Clan’s freshkill pile utilizing your Clan’s form which can be found under your clans drop down menu. You should log your prey in your Clan's freshkill pile immediately after hunting it! If it is not logged within the week it is hunted it can not count towards your clan's prey goals!

  • Freshkill piles reset every Monday morning EST. If your Clan fails to meet the minimum prey required, the Clan will begin to starve.

  • Starvation will prompt an event patrol to be sent out in announcements the following week! Your leader or deputy will call for cats to go on a hunting trip to bring back prey. Elders, Kits, and Apprentices will never feel the effects of a starvation event!

The Command

  • The Hunting command is broken down into 2 parts. The type of prey you’re hunting and your skill level in Hunting. The Hunting dice roll is written as follows:

    • /r command: [type]1-8


  • I'm at the Average level of Hunting in search of land prey, so I would check the channel and make sure that it’s available in the channel I’m hunting in. I see that it is, so I roll /r command: land4 in the proper dice-rolling channel. My roll resulted in an 8 which means I successfully caught yet mangled my prey. I type out my post and send it, and then I log my prey to my Clan’s fresh kill pile on the website!


Below this are listed each of the Skills and their general uses.

Please remember that they can be used for any number of things! Get creative!


The Basics

  • Brawling is split into two types, Friendly Sparring and Fighting an Enemy. The rules for each are listed below this.

  • You will need to roll Brawling before posting.

  • Your post can direct an attack at another cat's general body area, but cannot describe how serious the wound is! Make sure to ping your opponent in the dice-rolling channel so that they can see the results.

  • The character that is getting hit will then write a post including the outcome of the attack, which was determined by the bot command!

Friendly Sparring

  • You are always allowed to spar with others so long as claws remain sheathed! Any attack with "sheathed claws" (no intent of actual harm) will not give an injury level.

Fighting an Enemy

  • If you are going to Brawl with another intending to do harm, you must get permission from Staff. Please request permission in the appropriate channel.

  • No attempts to maim or seriously injure another cat can be made unless it is previously agreed upon by both roleplayers.

  • Those fighting each other must agree to a maximum injury level prior to the brawl that is the same for all characters. This must be kept in your post's header, as well as your current injury level.

  • Two successful hits will count as 1 injury level. The first cat to surrender loses.

  • Rolling any Nat 1 during a battle will count as a hit against yourself, but they do not stack. Only one Nat 1 per cat per battle.

The Command

  • The Brawling dice roll is written as follows, with the number directly relating to your skill level in Brawling:

    • /r command: brawling1-8


  • I'm at the Average Level of Brawling, so first I roll my dice in the proper dice-rolling channel using /r command: brawling4. My roll resulted in a 15 which is a Good Hit! I tag my opponent in the dice-rolling channel so they know, and then I will write my post using that roll to aim at a particular body part or area on my opponent. My opponent will take the result and where I intended my hit to land in my post and write a response detailing how serious the wound is. At the end of the fight, now at the minimum they will be at a lvl1 Injury! All injury levels go into effect at the end of the thread, so they wouldn't suffer the consequences until after.


The Basics

  • You can Track anywhere, for a plethora of reasons! You can use Tracking to find wayward clanmates or interlopers, and also for finding herbs with more ease. If the result of a Tracking roll is higher than a Sneaking roll, you are able to find the cat in hiding. Natural 20s will beat any other roll for this purpose.

  • Tracking can also be used to read an opponent's movements in dark places. Tracking uses many senses, sight, sound, scent, and even touch!

The Command

  • The Tracking dice roll is written as follows, with the number directly relating to your skill level in Tracking:

    • /r command: tracking1-8


  • I’m at the Great level of Tracking, so I would roll /r command: tracking5 in the proper dice-rolling channel. My roll resulted in a 17 which means I successfully tracked a trail/scent/cat. I could use a successful Tracking roll in a combination with Gathering to grant me advantage, or hunting cave prey.


The Basics

  • Sneaking can be used for several things. For example, you can Sneak onto another Clan’s territory! For each post you make, you have to roll for Sneaking to make sure you don’t get caught. You can also sneak to hide yourself! If you are successful, it will take a higher roll in Tracking to be found. Natural 20s will beat any other roll for this purpose.

  • Sneaking can also be used to mask ones intentions in battle or sparring. Used to fake out your opponent!

The Command

  • The Sneaking dice roll is written as follows, with the number directly relating to your skill level in Sneaking:

    • /r command: sneaking1-8


  • I’m at the Beginner level of Sneaking, so I would roll /r command: sneaking1 in the proper dice-rolling channel. My roll resulted in an 8 which means I successfully snuck with some struggle. I could use a roll  of 11+ in a combination with Hunting land prey/Brawling to grant me advantage.


The Basics

  • You can Swim in any body of water where your feet do not touch the ground. For each post you make where you move (not treading water) you need to roll Swimming to make sure you don’t drown! 

The Command

  • The Swimming dice roll is written as follows, with the number directly relating to your skill level in Swimming:

    • /r command: swimming1-8


  • I'm at the Mastered level of Swimming, so I would roll /r command: swimming7  in the proper dice-rolling channel. My roll resulted in a 15 which means I swam successfully. I could use a successful Swimming roll in combination with Hunting water prey to grant me advantage.


The Basics

  • You can Climb any tree (or climbable surface) near you, and for each post until you are on steady footing, you need to roll Climbing to make sure you do not fall!

The Command

  • The Climbing dice roll is written as follows, with the number directly relating to your skill level in Climbing:

    • /r command: climbing1-8


  • I'm at the Excellent level of Climbing, so I would roll /r command: climbing6 in the proper dice-rolling channel. My roll resulted in a 20 which means I climbed successfully and can grant advantage to a friend’s next Climbing roll. I could use a successful Climbing roll in combination with Hunting air prey to grant me advantage.


The Basics

  • You can gather anywhere for any herb. To gather herbs, you need to decide which herb you wish to gather from your clan’s tab on the Herb Stores spreadsheet, and then roll Gathering to see how many uses of said herb you get. You may only Gather 4 times in a thread.

  • Each Herb falls into a rarity category based on the current season. Those categories are Common, Uncommon, & Rare. If you have successfully found herbs, don't forget to log them in your Clan RP logs and you must log them on the website as soon as they are gathered!

  • If you aren't sure what an herbs rarity is, or if they are found in the channel you are in check out the pinned posts.

The Command

  • The Gathering command is broken down into two parts. The rarity and your skill level of in Gathering. The Gather dice roll is written as follows:

    • /r command: [rarity]-gathering1-8


  • I’m at the Rookie level of Gathering looking for a rare herb, so I would roll /r command: rare-gathering2 in the proper dice-rolling channel. My roll resulted in a 9 which means I found 1 use of the herb I was looking for. I would add this found herb and the number of uses in my Clan’s rp logs after the thread has ended.


The Basics

  • When a character isn't feeling well that is directly tied to an Injury or Illness level based on the Illness & Injury System, you can Heal these ailments with the Healing Skill. To do so, you need to roll Healing with your healing rank, while utilizing relevant herbs. You must use one herb per healing roll. If you try to Heal without herbs, you must roll with Disadvantage

  • Cats without the Healer or Healer Apprentice rank can not exceed Healing level 3.

  • Make sure to log any used herbs using our herb storage form on your clan's page as you use the herbs.

  • Healing can be rolled twice per post, both rolls count towards EXP gains. 

    • Note: If rolling healing twice in a post no other skills may be used!

  • If a healing roll fails, or would result in a raise of an injury level, another cat within that same thread may roll healing to aid. This assisting roll requires an herb usage like any other healing roll would.

    • Said roll can be negated by having the next character in the thread’s posting order roll healing as well, which is called an assist. Two things can happen: if it’s another natural one you keep the initial roll, if it’s above a natural one then there is no injury increase. Doing this uses up an herb, and does not heal the hurt cat even if it’s successful. You can choose to roleplay this occurring out over your posts or assume it happens within one, but the assist needs to happen before the character who rolled the natural one posts.

The Command

  • The Healing dice roll is written as follows, with the number directly relating to your skill level in Healing:

    • /r command: healing1-8


  • I’m at the Mastered level of Healing, so I would roll /r command: healing7 in the proper dice-rolling channel. My roll resulted in a 15 which means I have succeeded and completed a healing roll for my patient.

💖 We will be accepting new members Feb 28th-Mar 23rd !💖

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