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Polecat's Purr

Counci S Flame.png

Flame's Light




Vivid Skies


Hope's Harvest / Autumn's Rising


ShadowClan is a stealthy, secretive clan of night hunters and marsh fishers. They’re tight-knit, strongly valuing their kin and clan loyalty. At times, they’ve been the target of stereotypes, that they are dishonest or code-breakers, and at times this has been the case. But they are more defined by their desire to protect each other. They vary in religiousness, but there is a fairly high amount of superstition in ShadowClan. 


The Freeze

  • Unlike the river, ShadowClan’s marshes freeze most of the way through in the winter. On the night they’re confirmed to be safely frozen, apprentices are let off of their duties to play on the ice.

The Thaw

  • The marshes thawing and warming up in spring heralds the return of fishing, and the waking up of all the hibernating amphibians and reptiles. A hunting contest is held for the apprentices, and the rest of the clan gets to relax and feast.

Russetstar's Decree

"The stars have been watching, Shadowclan. Let's see them home." — Russetstar

  • StarClan & Faith

    • Once having believed herself made their enemy, Russetstar's faith has been restored since battling the wolfdog pack, realizing they had never been abandoned. Their distance can be difficult, she recognizes, as is their reluctance to reveal whole truths, but she holds onto trust that Shadowclan has not been abandoned by their ancestors. Russetstar draws strength from this belief and a connection to those who granted her lives.

  • Warrior Code

    • Russetstar was raised wholly as a warrior and takes pride in this tradition. Breaching the Code is an affront to their way of life and what holds the clans together, although she is harshest when such breach is the result of violence and cowardice. Accused of having acted as a code-breaker before with past warlike tendencies, she is particularly against such offense... but can she really turn her gaze from even the nonviolent, pursuits of forbidden affairs?

Specialty Ranks


  • These are the warriors that ShadowClan got their namesake from. The Nighthunters rise when the sun sets, and sleep when the moon disappears from the sky. They are typically dependable and hardworking cats of the night, who rule during the long, gruelling nights of the Winter and the hot, short nights of the Summer. They can be counted on to put the needs of the Clan first. Unfortunately, they do not make many friends outside the Clan, as both neighbors are typically asleep during their working hours. Their role within the Clan has made them pragmatic and introverted, and often these warriors are lanky and slim.


  • Although ShadowClan is infamously nocturnal, their lands are not left unguarded. For those within the Clan who wake with the sun and sleep when the moon rises, they fall under the rank of Dayguard. These warriors have been trained specifically to guard the land that they call home while the rest of the Clan sleeps, and usually have bulkier frames built for battle. Though not to be mistaken for warmongers, the Dayguard warriors are usually friendly with other Clans and have a laid-back attitude of leisure and indulgence.

High Ranks

  • Typically, the cats who run the Clan are awake during the twilight and dawn hours to ensure that the needs of the Clan are met. This often results in a strange transitional period where they must get used to being awake for a few hours, napping, and then being awake again. The Deputy and Leader often try to have opposite schedules with few intersecting hours to ensure the most coverage. The same happens when there are multiple Healers.


  • Campminders aren't trained to take on the role, instead doing so for a myriad of reasons; preferring pacifism to the potential of a border fight, enjoying the work of keeping camp up and running (both in the day-to-day and during more dire situations such as evacuations), and/or dedicating themselves to preserving Shadowclan's history in their theatre and artistry. Campminding is a respected position to take within the Clan no matter the reason. While these cats are allowed to join patrols as well as walk the borders just as any other, they are prevented from joining border patrols as well as battles, unless one were to occur within camp.


  • Monarchs are cats who wish to devote themselves to the raising and care of their clan’s young. Whether they have had a litter themselves and are temporarily monarchs, or have devoted the rest of their lives to this role. Perma monarchs often take on a familial role for cats who need advice/support in difficult times regardless of their age or rank. A cat must be at least old enough to have kits to become a permamonarch, and permamonarchs cannot be mentors.

Current State of Affairs

"It has truly been a season of change, and one to bring forth prosperity." — Russetstar

  • WindClan

    • Much has grown of Russetstar's opinion on Windclan and its leader since they came into conflict seasons before. She's come to respect their way of life, not so different in trials as those faced within Shadowclan, and Whisperstar, whose wisdoms have aided her in times of need. Tensions may remain, thus she understands forgiveness and understanding are both earned— preferably not with claws.

  • RiverClan

    • Russetstar has a relatively neutral opinion on Riverclan as they do not share a border, and their customs on individuality can sometimes strike as selfish to how interwoven Shadowclan can be, even in silence. Hedonism is not a trait she appreciates as one to dedicate herself entirely to duty, which she's attributed to Riverclan before.

  • ThunderClan

    • Having offered shelter when Shadowclan lost its territory to the wolfdog pack, Russetstar's wariness towards Thunderclan was replaced with appreciation for their hospitality. Working alongside Thunderclan's warriors has given her an amiable relationship, although she remains concerned that her clanmates recognize they remain separate now, wishing to ensure none get too friendly at their border.
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