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Most felines might describe Riverclan as lackadaisical or vain, but they are so much more than that. They are deeply loyal and dedicated felines who give their all for their family and clan. They are also quite dignified felines who believe that losing your dignity is a worse fate than death.

Amongst the clans, they are known for being the most romantic of the bunch, having a litany of traditions revolving around the subject. While being vain might not ring all that true, they do put a lot of effort into their appearance, easily identifiable by their regal and pristine coats. While still looking stunning, Riverclan often maintains peace among the clans. But their warriors are not to be underestimated as beyond looks they are fiercely cunning and intelligent in battle.

The Moonless Night

  • This is the catch-all Holy Day for RiverClan. This is when new ranks are given, exclusively, unless it is a time-sensitive ceremony (such as a dying apprentice or a new deputy). During this night, all of RiverClan's efforts are toward the reaffirmation of bonds between family groups. Elders will tell stories, warriors will recount grand battles, apprentices do not have to train and all the Clan is relaxed. The day before is spent almost exclusively fishing, to feast on when the night comes.

Ripplestar's Decree

"The stars have plans for us, but it comes with it's trials. We must trust that we will come out on top, as we always have." - Ripplestar

  • StarClan & Faith

    • Ripplestar has never questioned her faith in Starclan. She is a very devout cat and tries to instill a respect for their ancestors in all her clanmates. But, as of late, she has been questioning her own ability to understand their guidance. She has been looking to her loved ones to support her as she deliberates the signs she has been given. She integrates StarClan's approval into every ceremony and big event, hoping that when she loses her final life she will be welcomed among them.

  • Warrior Code

    • Ripplestar believes in following the Warrior Code, but she is lax on the details. She doesn't mind forbidden relationships (with the caveat that the dam is in RiverClan, of course). Any relationship that costs them warriors, however, is off the table. She does not care too much for border disputes, as the rivers make it easy to navigate, but has had an increase in hostility towards those who hunt in the river to seemingly mock her and her clan.

    • She has recently had a change of heart and is more welcoming to kittypets and loners, and allows a 2 moon allowance for them to choose whether they wish to stay or leave. After they choose to stay, she will not tolerate having a paw in two worlds and expects them to be loyal and pull their weight. She is fairly lax as aforementioned, and so while her healers always arrive for the Half Moon Meeting, she is notorious for skipping Gatherings if things were too tense last time or if she feels she has more important matters to attend to.

Specialty Ranks


  • When one envisions a typical Riverclan warrior, one envisions a Waterweaver. Masters of the water and elegant to a fault, Waterweavers are well-trained in the arts of silence, stillness, and patience, relying on the rivers that name their home to shelter them and act as their guide. They are ambush predators both in combat and when hunting; they wait beneath the water's surface, unmoving, for as long as necessary, waiting for the perfect time to strike. Waterweavers reinforce their claws using gauntlet-like contraptions crafted from shells, which are first made when apprenticeship is reached, and continuously (and carefully) maintained when not in use.


  • Shorekeeper warriors are less specialized (but no less significant) than their Waterweaver counterparts. Though still trained in the ways of the water, they primarily stick to dry land, meeting enemies and prey animals alike on even ground. Taking a more defensive approach to combat, they're trained to take hits well and hit back harder. Shorekeepers are assigned to a rotational guard of the borders, making them Riverclan's first line of defense in the face of danger. Prior to battle, they will reinforce their claws with wet clay - this gives their attacks more weight, thus causing more damage to their opponents.


  • Campminders are not trained to take on this role. A cat must train as a warrior, and decide that battle and border fights are not for them. Due to their aversion to fighting, campminders can only join in territory patrols, and visit private borders. They are not permitted in battle unless a battle would occur in camp. These cats are the ones to lead cats out of camp if there is need of an evacuation of the camp, leaving the leader and deputy available to stay behind and defend the fleeing clan if need be.


  • Monarchs are cats who wish to devote themselves to the raising and care of their clan’s young. Whether they have had a litter themselves and are temporarily monarchs, or have devoted the rest of their lives to this role. Permamonarchs often take on a familial role for cats who need advice/support in difficult times regardless of their age or rank. A cat must be at least old enough to have kits to become a permamonarch, and permamonarchs cannot be mentors.

Current State of Affairs

"RiverClan stands with pride." - Ripplestar

  • WindClan

    • When the wolfdogs struck RiverClan provided safety for the displaced clan. Bonded and grateful for each other WindClan and RiverClan have maintained a peaceful and rather friendly relationship.

  • ThunderClan

    • Sunningrocks was recently a topic of controversy for ThunderClan and RiverClan, constant scuffles at the border were only ended by a healer strike and peace treaty between Dahliastar (Dahliapool) and Bugstar (Bugnose).

  • ShadowClan

    • Without sharing a border RiverClan doesn't see much of the marsh dwellers, when they do it is often polite and friendly. They remain in good standing, though their closeness with ThunderClan has made them a concern in the past.

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