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Conduct Rules

All of these rules are applicable to all sections of our server, including Voice Chat.

Age Requirement
  • We are a PG13 Discord, in accordance with Discord's ToS; however, we require all users to be at least 15 years old. This change was made on the third month of the server being open, and as such some members who were younger than this at the time were grandfathered in. We have this age requirement because some of the themes of our server are better suited to an older audience.

  • With this in mind absolutely NO NSFW content of a sexual nature is allowed; implied or otherwise! Breaking of this rule can result in an instant ban!

Be Respectful
  • We are a safe space for everyone! Secrets of the Clans is 100% LGBT+ friendly and disability & mental illness friendly. Bullying, discriminatory or any other rude actions or words toward other members will not be tolerated. This includes refraining from pushing plots onto other members and harassing for responses.

  • Please remember that our staff team works very hard ,and should be treated with respect and some patience. If a staff request has taken more than 24 hours you may reply to it and ping staff again. Sometimes things are quite busy and things get missed.

  • Please avoid passive aggressive behavior towards other players and members of staff, tone can be difficult to read in online settings so if you are worried your tone may come across in a way you don't wish it to we have resources for how to use tone tags. These are not required, but if a member requests they be used in a conversation with them please attempt to accommodate your fellow player to the best of your ability. 💖

  • Sotc staff highly encourage open communication among our server members, we can not mediate every roleplay conversation that needs to happen. Please reach out to your server mates when actions your characters may take would involve them, its only polite!

Swearing and Cursing
  • It’s allowed in moderation. Keep in mind we are a PG-13 discord, so try and keep it to a minimum. No slurs or reclaimed slurs are allowed as they are still injurious. We do not allow sexual curse words to be used in this server period.

Spamming & Venting
  • We do not allow users to spam in any of our channels. This includes repetitively posting the same emoji/message/word/picture more than 3 times in a row, or sending messages one right after the other to flood the chat.

  • We also do not allow excessive venting in our chats. You are allowed to minorly mention things that are bothering you, but we do not allow the excessive venting of typically triggering topics. If you have a problem and need to vent to someone, you can always ask in the #general channel and someone will very likely be willing to chat with you!

Check the Channel
  • Ensure that you have conversations in their relevant channels. No ooc chat is allowed in roleplay channels unless in the header or footer of your roleplay reply


No Advertising other RPs
  • While we allow people to advertise their streams, their commissions, ect, we do not allow the advertisement of other roleplays. Any overt attempts to coax members of our server for the creation or bolstering of another server will result in a warning.

    • If you would like to have your server boosted we have partnerships available! To inquire about what it takes to partner please ping Thunderclan's lead staff Jude!


Spoilering Inappropriate OOC Content
  • Please check our Triggering content list to see what topics can go without spoiling, what needs spoiled, and what can't be discussed at all.

  • The entire sentence should be spoiled, not just a few words, and tagged at the start of the paragraph so that people can read around it.

  • Spoilering only the actual word both makes it untaggable and makes it too easy to deduce for people who would rather avoid mentions of these topics. Mentions of self-harm, suicide, or talk of anything sexual is inappropriate for the server and must be avoided entirely.


Penalty System
  • We have a 3-warning system. After the 3rd warning, a ban will be issued. After the 2nd warning, you can no longer hold a high rank. If a month has gone by and another warning has not been given, 1 warning will be removed from your record.

    • Please note that depending on severity an instant ban may be used; this is a very rare case and is only used in cases where a rule is broken that can cause serious mental harm to our server members.​


No Questions Asked Policy
  • We have two emojis that can be used without any questions being asked, one for spoilering text, and the other to request a topic to change. The spoiler emoji is known as :Asset_Spoiler: in the server. If a member reacts to your post with this emoji, please spoiler your post. If you do not know why your post has to be spoilered, please just put the emoji before the spoiler. The "move onto another subject" emoji is known as :Asset_Changetopic:. If this is used in the chat, immediately change the topic being discussed, no questions asked. Only use these emojis in extreme scenarios where you feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or unwelcome. Misuse of these emojis will result in a warning.


Text Legibility
  • We require all text that is intended to be read by others to be written using the default discord font, without any special characters. You may use special decorative fonts for the purpose of decoration, but all relevant information in your posts must be written in the default discord font so that screen readers can understand it.

  • All OOC talk should hold to typical typing standards, without use of fancy fonts or text unreadable by screen readers.

  • All important RP post information including titles, names, descriptions, and the content of the posts itself must use the default discord font.

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