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Healer Apprentice

Healer Apprentice

Healer Apprentice


Windclan is known for being Welcoming, Quick thinkers, and Down to earth. Other clans might think Windclan as know it alls, because they are known to be long winded, and believe themselves to be closest to Starclan. But in truth Windclan is one of the most open clans in the forest, welcoming cats from all walks of life during the warm months. Windclan considers the clan kin, this notion is taught from the start of a Windclan cat's life. Be it born into, or welcomed into.


Windclan used to be divided, Moor Runners and Tunnelers constantly fought and bickered. Convinced one role was more valuable than the other. Cougarstar’s reign brought those bitter fights to a screeching halt, save for the few younger generations who sprouted rivalries. The bitter divide between Tunneler and Moor Runner ending is her legacy.


Windclan is known to be open to taking in outsiders with open paws. Very little divide, if any, is found between clanborn Windclan and Windclan who joined later in life. Their borders are open during the warmer seasons to outsiders who wish to join the clan. However, in the colder months only the young or the elderly will be taken in, as the cold makes it harder to feed more mouths. A code-following cat though could never turn away kits, or elderly who need aid.


Since the outsider known as Whisperwind became Whisperstar, Windclan has begun to put more of an emphasis on 'clan is family'. Windclan openly regards their clanmates as kin. Fighting among clanmates, or making any Windclan cat feel unwelcome is highly frowned upon.

Current State of Affairs

“My clanmates are my bond. I will defend them and their way of life with everyone of my lives.” -Whisperstar

  • RiverClan

    • Windclan and Riverclan are at peace.

  • ThunderClan

    • Windclan is on neutral terms with Thunderclan. Without sharing a border there isn't much room or need for tension.

  • ShadowClan

    • Windclan and Shadowclan are on neutral terms, after the war things are tense. A shaky peace has been made.

Whisperstar's Decree

“Windclan is my home, I have, and will continue to give my lives for the cats who still have faith in me.” - Whisperstar

  • StarClan & Faith

    • Whisperstar speaks not of Starclan any longer. Claiming Windclan's allegiance is owed to the land they hunt, not the cats who left them behind.

  • Warrior Code

    • The code is an honorable thing to uphold, but Whisperstar is starting to truly question exactly what the point of a code is if it is so easily warped to fit cruel purposes. Whisperstar finds a lot of the code to still be worth upholding, but he’s not a blind follower of this star given code.



Wind's Turning

  • On a beautiful day between Newleaf and Early Greenleaf, WindClan comes together to find herbs and flowers all across the moor, decorating both camp and themselves as they compete to see who will win the floral crown, made of the best materials found while searching. For nearly a half-moon afterward, WindClan's camp is bursting with color — from the pinks and oranges of wildflowers to the stark purples of heather, nary a surface exists without some form of decoration. It is said that any cat who enters during this time leaves smelling of newleaf for sunrises to come. If you happen to have a special someone, well — the best and most beautiful flowers you find often find their way into your courtmate's fur.


The Day of Many Breezes

  • On the last day of Leaffall, before they close their borders for leafbare, WindClan has one last celebration. It is a time of relaxation and remembrance for the cats, where they say goodbye to those who are choosing to leave, and welcome those who choose to stay and permanently become Clan cats. It is often said that those who stay become Winds, and others leave to continue following the breezes of their own paths. This holiday consists of a big naming ceremony, games, and a feast all encompassed in one day.


Star-Eyed Night

  • Up on the moors and closest to StarClan, WindClan often finds themselves looking to the stars for answers. This pastime, referred to as stargazing, only happens on the clearest, most brilliant nights of the year. While not inherently romantic, one can often find courtmates and young, love-struck cats naming the stars together, mulling over what their future might hold. More often than that, however, it is a time for families to gather together and spend time under StarClan's light. Kits might learn the names of warriors who have gone before by tracing constellations; apprentices might recite stories and tales of brilliant battles gone by; warriors and elders might sit in silent remembrance for friends and family no longer gazing upward from the camp they'd once called their home. Any way one spends the night, however, one thing is for sure: the WindClan of before is looking down on the WindClan of now, and both call the stars their home.

Specialty Ranks

Moor Runners

  • These warriors are trained specifically in open field running and covering large portions of territory in a short period of time. They have been trained to hunt the fast land creatures that roam the moors and are often lanky, tall cats.


  • These warriors are trained to learn the large interconnected web of tunnels that exists under the WindClan moor. From a young age, they are trained to work completely in the dark, utilizing their other senses to travel the tunnels to defend the territory and search for prey.


  • Windclan's campminders hold a very important role in not only camp but day to day life. Campminders are the cats who others often come to for day to day disagreements, and helping with minor troubles such as missing trinkets and the like. Their job encompasses a lot of tasks that otherwise would fall to the wayside of clan life, but are immeasurably important.

    Repairing camp paths, minor camp tunnels and sleeping burrow upkeep, checking on elders to be sure they have had prey and water, repairing nests, collecting materials, making sure the prey burrow is clear of pests and rotten prey. Taking guard posts atop Guard rock and other locations. Not exclusively, but often the first to take the task of guard on a typical day.

    When wanderers join the clan they typically fall under the guidance of a campminder who teaches them about clan culture and the day to day expectations. The roles that a cat may fill. Apprentices can often be found trailing more outgoing camp minders during lessons on similar topics.

    In times of crisis, be it life threatening or imposing political turmoil Campminders play a vital role here as well. In times of evacuation they are the second to last defense, leaving just before their leader, ushering the last of the camp away into the tunnels to ensure everyone is safe. During tense negotiations the more well spoken camp minders may be called upon to mediate a discussion between clanmates; or even other clans to show good faith, given a camp minders vow not to fight for borders. Only on the land they live.

    Campminders in Windclan do not take apprentices, similar to how monarchs and elders do not. This is a role a cat must choose for themselves after formal training has been given, or if a clear distaste for battle has been shown by a young cat.


  • Monarchs are cats who wish to devote themselves to the raising and care of their clan’s young. Whether they have had a litter themselves and are temporarily monarchs, or have devoted the rest of their lives to this role. Permamonarchs often take on a familial role for cats who need advice/support in difficult times regardless of their age or rank. A cat must be at least old enough to have kits to become a permamonarch, and permamonarchs cannot be mentors.

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